noplace – progressive working community and interdisciplinary open space
noplace is a space based on a corporate concept for new work that is all about strong social relationships. Work is no longer about the product, but about the process. It is the social relationships that are both the key and the created value of work. Born out of a transformation-collective, noplace transfers the sharing, communication and motivation strategies that have grown naturally there into a scalable business context.
The business model of noplace, is to build interdisciplinary maker-, coworking, and exhibition spaces and to organize its user communities. Yet it is not about the places: people join noplace because it also creates identity and inclusion. Work is experienced as something fundamentally positive.
Additionally they can realize projects they themselves alone would not be able to do: having the opportunity to use a variety of tools, to ask people for help or to exhibit at your own gallery whenever you feel like it, is a great advantage in the creative industry. noplace in Cologne consists of: co_working (90 m2) – workshop (47 m2) – conference_room (23 m2) – corridor / utilities / darkroom (40 m2). It was initiated and realized by 6 young designers of the transformation collective “minha galera”. Visit the website for furter info: